Criminal Record from Denmark
If you wish to obtain a copy of your criminal record in Denmark you should e-mail the Danish Police, Criminal Register (address below). You can also apply via with your Danish Digital ID (NemID).
Midt- og Vestjyllands Politi
Politiets Administrative Center
Postboks 1399
7500 Holstebro
Opening hours (telephone only):
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 10.00-15.00
Wednesday closed
Friday 10.00-13.00
Tlf.: +45 7020 1475
E-mail: [email protected]
In order for the Danish Police to issue a copy of your criminal record you must write a request. You also need to send a copy of your passport and information about your last address in Denmark. You should also indicate whether the information about your criminal record should be in Danish, English or German, and which address it should be sent to.
You can find more information (in Danish) about criminal records on the Police's home page: